What is the procedure of Work Visa for Canada from Pakistan?

 If you're a citizen of Pakistan and wish to obtain a work visa for Canada, you will generally need to follow these steps:

What is the procedure of Work Visa for Canada from Pakistan?
What is the procedure of Work Visa for Canada from Pakistan?

  1. Find a Job Offer: First, you'll need to find an employer in Canada who is willing to sponsor your work visa. You can search for job openings on job boards, social media, or through employment agencies. You can also check the Canadian government's Job Bank website.

  2. Employer Applies for LMIA: Once you have a job offer, your prospective employer will need to apply for a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). This involves demonstrating that the employer has made reasonable efforts to recruit Canadian citizens or permanent residents and that there are no qualified Canadians available to fill the position.

  3. Receive a Job Offer and an LMIA: If your employer's LMIA application is successful, they will receive a positive LMIA, which they will then provide to you along with a job offer letter.

  4. Apply for a Work Permit: With the positive LMIA and job offer in hand, you can apply for a work permit through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). You can either apply online or on paper, depending on your eligibility. You will need to submit your application, along with the necessary supporting documents, and pay the application fee.

  5. Wait for Processing: After submitting your application, you'll need to wait for IRCC to process it. The processing time can vary depending on a variety of factors, so be sure to check the current processing times for your location.

  6. Travel to Canada and Start Working: If your work permit application is approved, you will receive your work permit. You can then travel to Canada and begin working for your employer.

It's important to note that there may be additional requirements and fees involved, depending on your specific circumstances. It's a good idea to consult with an immigration lawyer or a reputable immigration consultant to ensure that you have all the necessary information and documentation.


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